Alert International has the specialists and expertise to help you anchor talent management and employability in your organisation.
“I am Elaine from the Philippines, an Occupational Therapist who was based in Qatar before Ms. Veronica reached out to me on a particularly...
“My name is Dr. Kariman Mohamed, and I’m from Egypt. I currently work as an anesthesiologist in Kuwait. I started looking for job opportunities...
In today’s fast-paced hiring landscape, finding the right candidate might feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. And even when you do...
The world is our database, and we headhunt and select candidates from every continent. We look for candidates with the right background and the right experience, in line with the requirements of the client.
This depends on a number of factors. For a position in which a candidate lives locally and has a one-month notice period, the vacancy can be filled within two months. The process will take more time if a candidate has a longer notice period, needs to move to the region or country, requires a visa or work permit, or the reason for employment has to be approved by local authorities. C-suite and executive-level roles and niche skillsets can also take longer to fill. Before proceeding, we agree a timeline with you, based on your job requirements.
We prepare a tailor-made offer for every client. The cost depends on a number of variables, including which recruitment tools we use, and the degree of HR expertise required. Invoicing occurs on the candidate’s start date.
No, the recruiting client pays all fees. Invoices are prepared once the selection procedure has been completed and the candidate has joined the organisation.
The key to employing data-driven recruitment correctly is to determine the target group you want to reach – the skills and experience you are seeking. Next is to develop appealing content, so that once you know who want to reach, you are in a position to do so with content that will trigger them into action. Through automation, we manage the process in the best way possible and ensure that data is applied efficiently.
The big advantage of data-driven recruitment is that you can reach people that you cannot reach any other way. And you can do so globally. The information gathered through data-driven recruitment is easy to analyse, and when used to reach an appropriate target group, the result is the long-term employability of new employees. Data-driven recruitment is also an extremely good way to find passive talent – those people who are generally happy in their current work, aren’t looking for a new opportunity, but who could be interested if you approached them with a great opportunity. This is especially useful when looking to fill executive and specialist roles. Finally, the automation processes that are central to data-driven recruitment save time and increase the chances of finding the best person for a particular role.