talent: a personal approach

As a potential work candidate, our goal at Alert International is to find you a job, career or role that suits you even better than your current one. Happy.Work.Life, we call it. To do so, we take a truly individual approach and recognise that tools like data-driven recruitment are just that – tools. Whether we find you or you contact us, everything starts with taking the time to get to know each other and so ensure your next step is a great match.

the hiring process

global recruitment for local

We treat the world as our database, headhunting and selecting candidates from every continent. We look for candidates with the right background and the right experience, in line with the requirements of the client. We focus on specialist functional, senior management and C-level positions in healthcare, IT, agriculture, oil & gas, food processing, logistics, engineering, construction, marketing and investment, among others. Throughout this, we are guided by our Happy.Work.Life philosophy. In other words, we will do all in our power to ensure you will be happy in your next job – and yes, we will stay in touch after you have started. Because we believe that when you enjoy your work, feel useful and have a purpose, you will feel happy and positive about life.

transparent all the way

How long the recruitment process takes will depend on a number of factors. To give an idea, suppose your ideal new job is close to where you live or at least in the same country. And suppose you also have to give one month’s notice to your current employer. In this case, you could be working in your new job in two months. The process will take longer if you have a longer notice period, need to move to another region or country, require a visa or work permit, or the reason for your employment has to be approved by local authorities. It will probably also take longer if your new job is executive level or you have a niche skillset. Whatever the case, it is important that you are easy to contact and take any steps required quickly. And just to be clear, you don’t have to pay anything for our services – the recruiting client pays our fees.

other talent services

job alert

We offer an easy way to help you be the first to know about vacancies that match your skills and ambitions and that will make you happy – our job alert service.

career counselling

Do you want to develop your career in new ways or even pursue a whole new career? We offer extensive career counselling, including training courses and CV optimisation.

return to work

Our parent organisation has wide experience in helping people who have been out of the employment market for a while pick up their old career or find a new one. This can be arranged via your employer, if applicable, or we can work with you directly. Possibilities include outplacement, career research, career coaching and job coaching. We can give you new insights and the tools to find your path in the labour market, based on our belief that happy people work better.

new challenge?

find your dream job

see vacancies

experiences of our candidates

My experience with Alert has been amazing. I have been working at Alert for a little over 3 years now and I have always been welcomed and helped in a friendly manner. Whenever I have a question, they offer me a listening ear.


I am very satisfied with Alert and the way of working. The connection is very personal, this is reflected, for example, in the congratulations I receive on my birthday. In the unlikely event that you are unable to work, they will look for a replacement and try to solve it. In short, whenever you encounter problems, you can contact them.


job alert

Be the first to know about vacancies that match your skills, ambitions and will make you happy by creating an Alert job notification.

tell us what you want

Looking for a new challenge but not sure what? Spotted an interesting company but no vacancy? Register with us and we’ll look with you for a suitable position.