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working at Alert

Alert was founded by happy accident in 1995, by Vivianne Snippe, an experienced HR consultant and single mother who had no ambition to begin her own business. Then a friend asked if Vivianne would help his son start an employment agency. That sounded like fun. Three months later, the friend’s son decided it wasn’t for him – and Vivianne had discovered that she loved running her own agency and helping candidates and clients to find their ideal match. Over the next 15 years, the business expanded in the south of the Netherlands and then, to serve an existing client even better, opened an office in Dubai, in 2012.

Making work and life happier

Today, Alert, now run by Vivianne’s son, Ruud Schepers, continues to believe in Happy.Work.Life: that people are happier when they enjoy their work and that they perform better at work when they are happy. As a company, we make our offices ‘Happy.Work.Life centres’: places that welcome everyone who is seeking happiness at work – or who believes in creating it. At the same time, in line with our goal of becoming the preferred HR business partner wherever we have an office, we combine knowledge of local labour markets with HR expertise and data-driven research.

What it takes to work here

All this makes working at Alert different. Really different. First, you have to believe in the Happy.Work.Life philosophy. As part of this, you also have to believe in Customer Obsession. That means paying as much attention as possible to everyone we work with and touch, so that we push our own and our clients’ boundaries and build success together. And finally you have to want to facilitate our Power Marketers – our term for everyone who contributes to the Happy.Work.Life concept – you, your colleagues, our candidates, our clients, business and HR thought-leaders and others with an interest in promoting happiness to improve life and work. We do this by offering a stage on which anyone who wants to can share what Happy.Work.Life means to them, in turn inspiring others to discover and act on their definition of happiness at work and in life.

Alert makes people

At Alert, we work with you to find the job that suits you best. The position that matches your talents, needs, strengths, interests and capacities. And which will make you happy.

open application

If there is currently no vacancy you would like to apply for,
but you would still like to come and work with us? Leave your details
and we will contact you to discuss the possibilities.